Route Optimization
According to one estimate Americans waste more than 65 billion dollars a year sitting in traffic. An efficient routing system is an indispensible tool for any delivery route. Manually routing your fleet even on a small scale is out of realm of human capacity and is best left to computers. Start free trial
Computers are good at crunching numbers and doing redundant tasks. Consider the following route for one driver and 4 stops:

Not Optimized Route

Optimized Route

It is clear to see when the above route is optimized there is a difference of over 49 miles in the route. Now take this and multiply it by the number of routes and drivers you may have in a single day and the difference becomes even more visible.
In another sample test, we were able to shave off more than 50 miles from a 120-mile route. That's 50 miles less roads and bridges traveled. Less fuel spent. Less emission gas in the air. Not to mention lesser probability of accidents and a reduced insurance bill. And when considered all of these savings were just for a single driver for a single day, it soon becomes clear how RouteOptimizer can reduce cost and increase efficiency in a multi route/multi vehicle operation.
Optimization is only one piece of the puzzle. The second piece is intelligent dispatching. RouteOptimizer not only optimizes routes but it assigns them to the best matched vehicles. Let's add VEHICLE 3 to the above route.

After clicking Build (Optimize) we are presented with the following routes for each driver:
Route of VEHICLE1

Route of VEHICLE3

In short, RouteOptimizer examines your stops and vehicles, decides which is the best possible scenario, then assigns route to each vehicle based on several factors like quickest route, average speed of vehicle, load capacity, max. stops, etc. Pretty cool stuff!
Everything you need to get started is on our web site. There is no need to download any software and the trial is free.